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Event Rules

Clicker is allowed with a max speed of 10cps. The admin reserves the right to disqualify any player that is suspected (with video proof) to break the speed limit.


Akas are not allowed. Don't be a pussy, use your real account.

SM, trainer, micro or any kind of software for cheating is not allowed.
Any kind of bug is not allowed to use, except is "order stop for diggers" which is allowed only if you are trying to dig from one side while there is an open hole somewhere else.

Anti - sins wall as a place for shooters is not allowed in noffs rules.
Build on your half of map, also hills are protected and any destroying enemy's buildings on them is forbidden.
Quarter-finals, semi-finals and final matches will be played on agreed time with participants.


Every game should be played with 5 min auto-save ON.

In the case of a crash/disconnect, the game should be loaded from the save.


For any other funny stuff: the admin reserves the right to do as he sees fit.
And last but not least: respect everyone fear no one.

ADMIN: -=W.L=- MysticaL |F| (5621520)
HELPER: .:CRO:. Marin (5956011)
HELPER: .:CRO:. Ryu (5787404)

SHC Event 2023 is brought to you by MysticaL, with support and approval of C.R.O Marin.

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