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​Version of game: 1.1


Rules: no fire & no flying stones

            no fire


Settings: gamespeed 50 (unless otherwise mentioned)

                strong walls : OFF

                no dogs : OFF


                *some games may contain special settings & rules


TM is not allowed as extra clicker button or if software program.


SM, trainer, micro or any kind of software for cheating is not allowed.


Any kind of bug is not allowed to use, except is "order stop for diggers" where is allowed if the opponent's entry is protected by traps without gate.


Anti - sins wall as place for shooters is not allowed. (valid only for pure noffs rule)


Built on your half of map, also hills are protected and any destroying enemy's buildings on them is forbidden.


Quarter-finals, semi-finals and final matches will be played on agreed time with participants.


And last but not least: respect everyone fear no one.

Admin: .:CRO:. Marin GR 5956011

Helper: .:CRO:. Jiko GR 7244167

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